inblog Onboarding Guide (Help Docs)

Learn how to create a SEO-friendly blog in under a minute with our comprehensive inblog onboarding guide. Follow the steps and start crafting engaging content effortlessly! Perfect for beginners and seasoned bloggers alike. Get started now!
Jul 21, 2023
inblog Onboarding Guide (Help Docs)
If you follow the guide below, you can create a SEO-friendly blog in less than a minute!
Take a look and if you have any questions, feel free to contact us at 😊

1. Get Started

1.1. Welcome to inblog!

inblog provides you with the perfect blog infrastructure so you can focus on creating content.
To make the login process as seamless as possible, we offer the convenience of logging in with your Google account. This eliminates the need for creating a separate account and allows you to get started quickly.
You can login simply by Google account.
You can login simply by Google account.

1.3. Create your own blog

As you log in to inblog for the first time, you'll have the exciting opportunity to create your very own blog. This process allows you to personalize your blog by choosing a unique name and a homepage URL.
We kindly remind you that the homepage URL you select cannot be modified afterward. Therefore, we encourage you to choose it thoughtfully, ensuring it accurately reflects your blog's identity and content. Once you have carefully entered your desired homepage URL, simply click the continue button to proceed.
You'll also need to do this if you want to connect your domain to your company blog.
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2. Basic Settings

Through the Basic Settings session, you can personalize and upgrade your blog's appearance as shown below.
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2.1. Blog title & description

Please click Blog Settings -> General Settings in the left menu bar as shown below to create a blog title and blog description.
The blog title is designated as the H1 tag, and the blog description is designated as the meta-description.
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2.2. Categories

You can categorize posts within your blog, as shown in the screen below.
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If you want to delete a category, you can click the delete button as shown below.
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2.3. Invite your team

Coming soon. If you're interested in adding a team member, please apply at
If you have any suggestions, please feel free to contact us in here.

2.4. Site navigation

  • Coming soon. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to contact us in here.

3. Branding (Team Plan)

Branding areas such as Logo, Favicon, Custom domain, etc. can be set up through Team Plan. Follow this link to learn more about Team Plan, or click the Upgrade button on the left as shown below.
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3.1. Logo and Favicon

You can set a logo image, a URL that links to the logo when clicked, and a favicon image, as shown below.
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3.2. Custom domain

3.2.1. Sub-domain (=Root domain)

Enter the URL address you want your sub-domain to point to and click the Activate Custom Domain button to receive instructions.
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3.2.2. Sub-directory (Sub-folder)

Enter the URL address you want your sub-directory to point to and click the Activate Custom Domain button to receive instructions. Currently, we only support NextJS.(Static Exports is not supported)
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3.3. Monetizing (AdSense, etc)

  • Coming soon. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to contact us in here.

3.4. API

  • Coming soon. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to contact us in here.

4. Write Post

Click the New Post button in the left menu bar or the New Post button in the Dashboard
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First, copy the link to the post you wrote in Notion as shown in the video below.
Afterward, paste the copied link and press Enter. If you want to do this later, press the Skip and Insert Later button.
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4.2. Post Settings

You can set Post Title, Post Description, Post Categories, Post URL, and CTA. Post Title is specified as H1 Tag, and Post Description is specified as Meta-Description. You can set the category from the Categories you created, and you can set the CTA text and URL that you want to convert through the blog post.
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4.2.1. Setting Tags in Notion

If the image below is a post you wrote in a notion, the H1 tag in the notion is reflected as the H2 tag in the blog post, the H2 tag in the notion is reflected as the H3 tag in the post, and the H3 tag in the notion is reflected as the H4 tag in the post.
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4.3. UI of blog

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5. Dashboard (Analytics)

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5.1. Overview

By default, we provide Views, Clicks, Conversion Rate, and Referrer. You can also view by time period and device.

5.2. Specific Analytics

5.2.1. Google Analytics

To set up the Google Analytics code, please provide us with the MEASUREMENT ID (a string beginning with G-) by email(, and we will add it to the database. Once it is implemented, you will be able to start tracking it immediately!

6. Update

6.1. Google Adsense

  • Coming soon. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to contact us in here.

6.2. Specific Analytics

  • Coming soon. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to contact us in here.

6.3. Keyword Search

  • Coming soon. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to contact us in here.

6.4. AI Writing

  • Coming soon. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to contact us in here.

6.5. Newsletter

  • Coming soon. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to contact us in here.
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