Notion blog with custom domain, escaping Notion-like UI

Discover how to elevate your Notion blog with a custom domain, avoiding the standard Notion-like UI.
Notion blog with custom domain, escaping Notion-like UI
Notion is super-powerful and super-easy tool that can organize our thoughts, branding. Its easy of use and flexibility make it go-to-tool for content creators and businesses alike. However, when it comes to sharing your creations with the world, Notion’s default domain doesn’t present the professional appearance you might be aiming for. A complex and generic URL doesn’t impact your brand visibility; it can significantly hinder your SEO effort and overall branding strategy.
Notion default URL
Notion default URL
Many solutions including and offer pathways to transform Notion pages into blog-like formats. Yet, they often replicate the Notion-like UI, which might not align with every brand's aesthetic or professional standards.

Introducing inblog

This is where inblog stands out. inblog offers a seamless solution for creators and businesses looking to elevate their content while still leveraging the ease and familiarity of Notion. What sets inblog apart is its blog-like UI, offering a departure from the typical Notion-like interface, thereby enhancing the professionalism of your content. Imagine having your own custom-domain blog set up in minutes, not hours or days. Transform your Notion drafts into a full-fledged blog that mirrors your brand's identity and professionalism.
inblog UI
inblog UI

Why choose inblog for your Notion blog?

  1. Custom Domains in a Flash : With inblog, setting up your custom domain (e.g., is straightforward, ensuring your blog not only looks professional but also enhances your SEO ranking.
  1. Not Just Another Notion-Like UI : Break free from the constraints of Notion-like interfaces. inblog allows you to adopt a unique UI that resonates with your brand, ensuring your blog stands out.
  1. No Need for Complex Platforms : Forget the hassle of navigating WordPress, Ghost, or Medium. inblog simplifies your workflow without compromising on quality or control.
  1. SEO-Optimized for Top SERP Performance : inblog guarantees top search engine rankings with compelling titles, descriptions, and a perfect Lighthouse score of 100 for SEO, speed, and usability.
notion image

How does inblog work?

  1. Start with Quality Content on Notion: Notion’s flexible and intuitive interface to create content that captivates and informs your audience. For an extra edge, consider leveraging NotionAI to refine and enhance your drafts
  1. Create Your Blog on inblog: Setting up your blog is quick and hassle-free with inblog. inblog is designed to guide you through the process, getting your site live in minutes.
  1. Connect Your Custom Domain: Boost your brand's visibility and SEO by linking a custom domain (e.g., to your blog. This crucial step not only strengthens your brand's identity but also significantly enhances your site's professionalism.
    1. Connect custom domain
      Connect custom domain
  1. Import Your Notion Content: Easily import your content from Notion to inblog with a straightforward copy-paste action, transforming your drafts into professional, polished blog posts.
    1. Import Notion content into inblog
      Import Notion content into inblog
  1. Optimize for the SERP: Take advantage of inblog's SEO tools to craft engaging titles and meta descriptions that will help your blog posts climb the search engine results pages, attracting more visitors.
  1. Publish and Shine: With your content polished and ready, it's time to share it with the world. Publish your posts and showcase your professional, branded blog to your audience.
    1. 100% SEO-optimized
      100% SEO-optimized
  1. Maximize Reach with Smart Distribution: Don't just "blog and pray." With inblog, activate your content's full potential by seamlessly sending it out as a newsletter and automating distribution across LinkedIn and Twitter. This not only saves time but ensures your insightful posts reach your audience directly, boosting engagement and driving traffic back to your blog.

Ready to transform your Notion blog?

inblog is more than just a platform; it's a game-changer for content creators and businesses using Notion. By bridging the gap between Notion's simplicity and the need for a professional, branded online presence, inblog empowers you to take your content to the next level.
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