HyperHire "Why SEO is the Most Effective Lead Generation Strategy for B2B Companies"

Discover how HyperHire, an all-in-one solution for pre-verifying global talent, recruitment, and collaboration management, leverages SEO blog content to effectively generate leads. Learn why SEO is the top choice for B2B businesses aiming to enhance their lead acquisition.
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Oct 15, 2024
HyperHire "Why SEO is the Most Effective Lead Generation Strategy for B2B Companies"
We had the pleasure of interviewing Hyun, Director at HyperHire, a company that streamlines the entire process of pre-verifying global talent, recruitment, and collaboration management with their all-in-one platform. From the very beginning, HyperHire has consistently utilized Inblog to generate leads through engaging blog content. In this article, discover why HyperHire chose Inblog and explore the impressive results they've achieved!

Could you please introduce yourself and your company?

Hello, I’m Hyun Gong, the co-founder and Head of Sales at HyperHire, a global talent recruitment service.
Hyun Gong from Hyperhire
Hyun Gong from Hyperhire
Many people associate working with overseas talent with unfamiliarity or past failures. Additionally, there’s a common concern that remote work might lead to significant communication challenges. At HyperHire, we address these issues by collaborating closely with our internal coordinators*. While foreign talent typically offers comparable skill levels, they are more cost-effective. By effectively resolving communication barriers, our clients achieve high levels of satisfaction.
*For development projects, we support collaboration with Product Manager, ensuring seamless integration and project management.

How did you decide to found a global talent recruitment solution company?

Actually, we didn’t start as a global talent recruitment service from the very beginning. We founded our company in November 2018 and operated an HR recruitment platform in India, targeting clients in both India and the United States. Simply put, our service focused on sourcing and recommending Indian talent.
However, as we delved into the business, we realized it was a highly competitive red ocean market, and we concluded that it wasn’t the best fit for our strengths. Then, the COVID-19 pandemic struck, leading us to naturally return to Korea.
Back in Korea, we identified that our strengths lay in experience and management of overseas talent, and at the same time, the trend of remote work was emerging. Combining these two factors, we launched the HyperHire service with the idea of matching and hiring overseas talent for Korean companies.
Because we support working with Korean coordinators, we received excellent customer feedback right from the start and have maintained strong retention with our initial clients.
Currently, our services are being effectively utilized by subsidiaries of major corporations like Hyosung and Ssangyong, as well as several startups. We are working with over 40 overseas talents, and cumulatively, more than 300 individuals have joined our service.

How Do You Handle Marketing and Sales?

In the beginning, we focused primarily on outbound cold emails and LinkedIn cold messages. Additionally, we have been effectively managing an SEO blog channel through Inblog. Moving forward, we plan to actively discover new customers by uploading posts on social media platforms like LinkedIn.
While our initial approach was outbound-oriented, we are now concentrating more on upselling and cross-selling to our existing customers. Many of our clients are highly satisfied with our services, leading to a steady influx of new customers through referrals. Currently, we are receiving more customer inquiries than anticipated, resulting in a shortage of recruiters to find new talent for our clients.

What Challenges Did You Face Before Implementing Inblog, and What Attempts Did You Make?

As I mentioned earlier, we initially relied on cold emails and LinkedIn cold messages as our primary channels for acquiring customers. However, after sending a substantial volume, we encountered limitations in our conversion rates and began searching for new avenues. This led us to consider SEO through blogging as a new channel.
Additionally, since our target audience was primarily in the IT industry, we prioritized Google SEO. At first, we experimented with a service called Ghost, but found the initial setup to be challenging.
We also took a brief look at WordPress as well, but found the dashboard difficult to navigate at a glance. The visualization wasn't well-executed, and the menu depth was too extensive, making it challenging for first-time users. Additionally, the requirement to install each plugin separately was off-putting. While a dedicated content marketer might handle all these tasks, setting up WordPress felt overwhelming given our numerous other responsibilities.
Initial Setup
- Easily applicable after a quick Google search - Friendly explanations provided during onboarding meetings
- Difficult initial setup
- Setup felt complicated - Requires individual plugin installations
- Easy to use, intuitive, and suitable - Manageable menu depth
- Dashboard is complex and lacks visualization - Menus are too deep
- Easily understandable at a glance with good visualization
- Difficult to view at a glance - Challenging for first-time users
Notion Embedding
- Supported - Content can be modified and uploaded from Notion
- Not supported
- Not supported
- No separate installation required
- Various plugins need to be installed individually
Onboarding & Support
- Provides quick responses to inquiries
Ease of Use
- Overall easy and beginner-friendly - Simple UX
- Initial setup and usage are difficult
- Difficult for those who are not full -time content marketers

How Did You Discover Inblog and What Was the Onboarding Process Like?

We came across Inblog quite by chance while searching on Google. The ability to quickly and easily implement it stood out as a major advantage. Additionally, during the onboarding meeting, the team provided friendly and thorough explanations, and they were quick to respond to our inquiries, which we greatly appreciated.
inblog’s Notion embedding feature
inblog’s Notion embedding feature
One of the standout features for us was the Notion embedding capability. Our team was already using Notion internally, so being able to edit and upload content directly from Notion was incredibly convenient. We were also very satisfied with the dashboard's visualization. Since we outsource our content writing and I periodically review the work, having a dashboard that is easy to glance at without being overly complex was extremely beneficial.
inblog’s easy to glance dashboard
inblog’s easy to glance dashboard

How Was Your Experience with Inblog's SEO Content Outsourcing Service?

While managing our blog, we realized that creating blog content required more resources than we initially anticipated. Our team invested time into content creation, but the resulting traffic and conversions did not meet our expectations. It became clear that we needed expert assistance. During this time, the Inblog team proposed their SEO content outsourcing service. Given our understanding of the benefits of outsourcing, we decided to proceed immediately.
We set a goal to secure three leads within six months. Remarkably, within just one to two months of starting the outsourcing service, our strategic keywords began ranking high on search engines. By the third to fourth month, we successfully acquired over three leads from major and mid-sized companies.
This experience highlighted the effectiveness of outsourcing our content needs, leading us to continue collaborating with freelancers. Given the diverse range of content topics, we found it optimal to assign tasks to specialized professionals as needed. Currently, we publish about two to three pieces of content per month through freelancers, ensuring that we maintain a high quality of content.

Could You Share the Challenges of Using Freelancers (Outsourcing)?

Firstly, finding content freelancers who are the right fit for our team was not easy. After our contract with Inblog ended, we worked with several individuals and went through numerous trial and error processes. The most critical factors were content quality and cost. Some pieces lacked the necessary expertise and depth, teaching us that it's better to entrust content creation to someone who understands the specific field rather than someone unfamiliar with our domain.
Currently, we are working very satisfactorily with our freelancer. We initially connected through a personal referral, and they have a high level of understanding across various areas such as marketing, sales, and product development, which allows them to grasp our business needs effectively. They are well-versed in industry trends and enjoy the content creation process itself, not just the financial aspects.
HyperHire utilizes a “ghostwriting” content strategy.

What Is Your Favorite Feature of Inblog?

My favorite feature of Inblog is undoubtedly its ease of use. The platform is user-friendly and boasts an intuitive UX, making it accessible even for first-time users. I believe this is Inblog’s greatest strength. Despite not being a full-time content marketer, I can easily navigate the dashboard and understand the visualizations at a glance, which leaves me highly satisfied with the overall experience.

What Are the Results You've Achieved with Inblog?

Through our internal dashboard, we have consistently observed steady upward trends in traffic performance. The majority of this traffic comes from organic searches on Google, driven by our strategic keywords such as “Vietnam Developers”, “India Developers”, and “IT SME Salary Tables”.
Upward Trending HyperHire Blog Traffic (Blue: Total Traffic, Orange: Google Organic Traffic)
Upward Trending HyperHire Blog Traffic (Blue: Total Traffic, Orange: Google Organic Traffic)
This increase in traffic has naturally led to a rise in inbound leads. It might just be a feeling, but by consistently uploading high-quality content, it feels like Google is recognizing and valuing our blog more. (laughs)
Notably, some of our content has achieved outstanding results by appearing in snippets within just 1-2 weeks of publication. According to Ahrefs, the traffic value of our blog is estimated at $570 per month. However, we believe that we are generating significantly greater value than this estimation.

How Do You Identify Inbound Leads Generated Through Your Blog?

The only actions we take to discover customers are cold emails/messages and our blog. Therefore, if a lead doesn’t come from cold outreach, it’s most likely through our blog. (laughs) Additionally, when we ask customers during meetings how they found out about us, the majority respond that they discovered us through our blog.

Are There Any Differences Between Leads from Cold Emails and Those from the Blog?

Inbound leads generated through the blog are excellent for uncovering new customer needs. For instance, while we consistently promoted the value of 'hiring overseas IT talent,' meetings with leads from our blog revealed new demands.
In a meeting with a lead from a construction company, they expressed a desire to conduct sales in the Middle East. Through our conversation, we learned that most sales in the construction industry are handled by Indian professionals. This insight made us realize that many construction firms have a need for Indian salespeople. Consequently, we are now offering new value propositions to our clients in the construction sector based on this understanding.
Through inbound leads from our blog, we’ve been able to comprehend new needs and leverage this information in our outbound sales efforts. This has been a valuable example of the benefits of blogging for lead generation.

A Message to Potential Customers Considering Adopting Inblog

Inblog is incredibly easy to use, making it a service that anyone can adopt without difficulty. Its natural and intuitive interface ensures that users don’t encounter any drawbacks, feeling as comfortable as if they’ve been using the tool for over a decade.
Having worked with various freelancers, I found that they could effortlessly utilize Inblog without any significant challenges, and no additional training was necessary. If you know someone who is just starting a blog, I highly recommend Inblog to them. (laughs)
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