What is the difference among pip, pip3 and mim
The difinition of the 3 package managers available in the Python ecosystem and a difference among them.
What is the pip?
What is the pip3?
What is the mim?
What is the pip?
The pip is basic package manager for python 2.x.
Install Modules
pip install <MODULE_NAME>
List-up Modules
pip list
Install Modules with package list-up file.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Export package list-up file.
pip freeze > requirements.txt
What is the pip3?
The pip3 is basic package manager for python 3.x.
Install Modules
pip3 install <MODULE_NAME>
List-up Modules
pip3 list
Install Modules with package list-up file.
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Export package list-up file.
pip3 freeze > requirements.txt
What is the mim?
The mim is basic package manager for OpenMMLab Project and Models.
Install Modules
mim install <MODULE_NAME>
Install Modules from Binary Files
git clone https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmclassification.git cd mmclassification mim install .
List-up Modules
mim list mim list --all
OpenMMLab Projects
References | https://github.com/open-mmlab/mim
What is the difference between pip and pip3?
As you can see from the above section, the 2 package managers were created for different versions of python
Pip : Python 2.x
Pip3 : Python 3.x
However, contrary to the basic definition, there's not difference between pip, pip3 or pip3.8. On most Linux, Ubuntu, and other operating systems, pip, pip3, and pip3.8 are the same script, and can be symbolically linked to point to different versions of python.
In the example below, you can tell pip to install modules for python 3.x rather than python 2.x when invoked.
Install Basic Modules
apt install python-pip apt install python3-pip apt install python3.8 aapt install update-alternatives
Check symbolic link
ls -al /usr/bin/python
Update alternatives
update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python3.8 2 update-alternatives --config python
Check synbolic link
ls -al /usr/bin/python
What is the difference between pip/pip3 and mim?
The mim also performs Python based library installations.
However, mim is one of the more specialized tools involved in installing OpenMMLab Project.
This means that you may find yourself using PIP and MIM at the same time, and you may encounter version conflicts between modules.
Critical Vendering Issue with pip/pip3 and mim.
If you use pip, pip3, pip3.8, and mim in a variety of environments, there is a high probability that you will encounter version conflicts. Since these package managers don't have good support for version locking, you'll need a special technique.
There are two ways to do this
Storing all the individual module files in S3
Use Packer to create an AMI image and configure deployment automation based on it.Packer를 이용하여 AMI 이미지를 생성하고 이를 기반으로 배포 자동화를 구성하는 방법