How to use inblog

If you're looking to take your blog to the next level, the Team Plan subscription is an excellent option for you.
May 02, 2023
How to use inblog

1. Blog Settings

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We would like to inform you that with the Team Plan subscription, you can take advantage of two excellent customization options for your blog: setting up a custom logo and favicon, as well as a custom domain.
By setting up a custom logo and favicon, you can make your blog more visually appealing and unique. This allows you to create a consistent brand image for your blog, which can help you stand out from the competition.
Furthermore, with the custom domain option, you can create a more professional look for your blog by using your own website domain, such as "". This helps to establish credibility and authority for your blog, which can lead to increased traffic and engagement from your audience.
So, if you're looking to take your blog to the next level and create a more personalized and professional look, the Team Plan subscription is an excellent option for you.

2. How to write a post

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When you enter your notion post, you will see the screen depicted above. On this screen, you can set the Title, Description, and Featured Image for your post. For the Featured Image, we recommend using a size of 1200x630, as this will be displayed as a representative image when your post is shared on your blog, Twitter, and LinkedIn. If you set these three elements, your blog post will look like the image below.
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On the right side of the screen, you can set the post's tags and URL. By using the Result Preview function, you can see how your post will appear when searched on Google. This allows you to optimize your post for search engine rankings and ensure that it looks its best when shared online.
The final element to consider is the Call-to-Action (CTA) button. To set this up, simply enter the text that you want to appear on the CTA button and include a corresponding link. This will allow you to create a clear and compelling call-to-action for your readers.
By using this feature, you can guide your audience towards a specific goal, such as signing up for a newsletter or purchasing a product. This can help you to convert your readers into customers and achieve your desired outcomes. When you view your blog post on the actual blog, you will see how the CTA button looks and can adjust it as necessary to optimize your results.
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