How to configure practice environment of Ansible using Vagrant?

Configure using VirtualBox, Vagrant
Feb 24, 2024
How to configure practice environment of Ansible using Vagrant?


Thank you for clicking through to my arcticle. I've been a DevOps engineer for 2 years in dev-team of 7 engineers.

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Using vagrant, let's configure our environment to use Ansible Core.


To follow this guide book, you must install VMWare.
Therefore, you need to follow along with "How to configure practice environment of Ansible? # STEP 1 : Install Virtual Box".

Update default vagrant file

  1. Modify Hostname for Vagrant

  2. Modify Hostname for VirtualBox

  3. Modify Hostname for HostMachine

  4. Disable Sync Directory between HostMachine and VirtualMachine

  5. Set up IP Address to connect internet

  6. Change HostMachine Port to be similar with IP Address.

Create Bootstrap ShellScript to maintain Vagrantfile simple.

  1. Install EPEL using Yum

  2. Install Ansible using Yum

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