![Deploy EKS Cluster Endpoint.](https://image.inblog.dev?url=https%3A%2F%2Finblog.ai%2Fapi%2Fog%3Ftitle%3DDeploy%2520EKS%2520Cluster%2520Endpoint.%26logoUrl%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Finblog.ai%252Finblog_logo.png%26blogTitle%3DUnchaptered&w=2048&q=75)
Thank you for clicking through to my arcticle. I've been a DevOps engineer for 2 years in dev-team of 7 engineers.
My name is MINSEOK, LEE, but I use Unchaptered as an alias on the interenet. So, you can call me anythings "MINSEOK, LEE" or "Unchaptered" to ask something.
This article is based on learning content of 1 week, AEWS 2.
In the previous lab, Deploy Amazon EKS and NodeGroups using CloudFormation, we implemented EKS Cluster and Endpoint as public-public.
However, this approach exposes you to security risks.
Request from kubectl to kube-apiserver is going through public internet.
Request from kube-proxy to kube-apiserver is going through public internet.
The purpose of this article is gradually change the default public-public to the more secure public-private and private-private methods as 3 type of cluster endpoint case.
We will also validate this by using a network tool(cli), rather than just implementing it.
In this article, I reinforce EKS Cluster Endpoint security from public-public to private-private.
Also, I'll verify that the network flows are actually same by we expected.
EKS Cluster Endpoint as Public-Public
EKS Cluster Endpoint as Public-Private
EKS Cluster Endpoint as Private-Private