The Struggles of Speaking Korean Fluently as a Foreigner

Even fluent Korean-speaking foreigners face funny and frustrating moments in Korea. Read their stories and see the quirky challenges they face. Share your own thoughts if you have any!
KB (Fake Buddies)'s avatar
Jun 01, 2024
The Struggles of Speaking Korean Fluently as a Foreigner

One Reddit post that makes me think

I found a Reddit post about why foreigners in Korea struggle to speak Korean fluently. It made me think about all the funny and frustrating moments fluent speakers have here.

Friends and Social Life

Keeping Korean friends can be tough once they get married or promoted. They seem to disappear! Also, we often chat in English with our international friends. Even our Korean friends want to practice their English, which means less Korean practice for expats.

Workplace Woes

Most workplaces don’t like expats using Korean, especially in teaching jobs. Once you satisfy the basics like money, time, and getting around, you can get by easily. Many signs are in Hangul (한글) but with English words, making it simpler. Also, life in Korea often feels temporary, so we tend to put off learning the language.

Funny Encounters as a Fluent Speaker

One Reddit guy shared a story about calling a Kakao Taxi and the driver not believing he was speaking Korean fluently. At a restaurant, a waitress ignored him, thinking their Korean friend had ordered for them. Another person said when they try to do business in Korean, locals usually turn to his Korean spouse instead. It’s frustrating but kind of funny as well.

Dealing with Misunderstandings

One smart user starts conversations in English to show they’re a foreigner, then switches to Korean. This way, locals are relieved and impressed instead of treating them like they don’t understand.

Share Your Funny Stories

Have you had similar funny or frustrating experiences in Korea? Share your thoughts if you have any!

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