Living as a expat or foreigner in Korea

Feeling lonely in Korea? Fake Buddies helps expats and locals make real friends. Find out how we started!
KB (Fake Buddies)'s avatar
May 31, 2024
Living as a expat or foreigner in Korea

1. Living as a expat in the U.S.

Several years ago, I went to the U.S. as an exchange student. When I first arrived, I was excited by the new environment. But as the days went by, the excitement wore off, and I started to feel really lonely.

2. The Reality of Loneliness

Back home, I had friends and family I could talk to anytime. In the U.S., the cultural differences weren’t a barrier, but the language was. Making deeper connections seemed almost impossible.

3. Thanksgiving Isolation

One night, during Thanksgiving, I felt especially alone. The city was quiet as everyone spent time with their families. I walked through the streets, feeling more and more isolated. It hit me hard. I was far from home with no one to turn to.

4. Finding Connection

To try and meet people, I joined a local community for expats. That’s where I met Cris, an American who had spent some time in my home country. We bonded over our shared experiences of living abroad. Cris introduced me to her friends, making me feel less alone.

5. Overcoming Loneliness

As I spent more time with Cris and her friends, my loneliness began to fade. We explored the city together, attended local events, and shared meals. Our friendship brought joy and a sense of belonging that I had missed for so long.

6. Back to Seoul

When I came back to Seoul, I couldn't find the same opportunities that I had in the U.S. I went to many language exchange groups but couldn't connect with anyone there. It was just small talk and a "never-see-each-other-again" thing. Or it felt like just a party night to hook up.

7. Starting Fake Buddies

Feeling frustrated by these experiences, I talked to one of my friends, Edgar. That's how we started our community-driven startup for expats, Fake Buddies.

8. Our Mission as a Community-driven Startup

Living or traveling in Korea can be tough. Many hope to bond with locals, but cultural and language barriers often get in the way.

Koreans find interacting with foreigners appealing but intimidating. We want to understand different cultures and widen our views. This is where "Fake Buddies" comes in.

Co-founders Edgar, Min, and I have a mission: to build a community-driven startup where locals and internationals can connect and form real friendships. We embrace differences, encourage language exchange, and celebrate shared experiences.

9. The Journey of Fake Buddies

I know it sounds a bit cheesy, but our primary objective is simply to hang out and have real fun together.

“We're Fake Buddies, on a journey to becoming real friends”

Feel free to learn more about our activities with locals and internationals below.

SNS: Instagram, TikTok, Kakao Open Chat

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